Telling zombie stories before they became zombies with SUPERSTAR CREATORS from MARVEL, DC, IMAGE, IDW, NETFLIX, Apple +, Amazon & more!

Happy October and Happy Halloween Season Fellow Horror Lovers!
Welcome to the final ARC to the series ZOMBIES WE’RE HUMAN TOO! This campaign is Volume 3 with more than 150 pages of full color main story and spot color/black & white zombie stories. We see our group get to safety in the abandoned church that is now a safe point for a group of survivors that seem willing to help them get back to their group.
This book has comic creators that worked for MARVEL, IDW, IMAGE, DC COMICS, TOP COW, VALIANT along with Actors & Directors that have worked on projects for NETFLIX, Amazon, Apple +, Lifetime and others!
This book would not exist without their amazing contributions to this graphic novel!
My name is Austin Janowsky. I am a 30-year comic professional as well as a working Actor & Director. I am happy to say that I am the creator of the zombie series ZOMBIES WE’RE HUMAN TOO – Telling zombie origin stories since 2020! We are so thankful to have had both Volume 1 and Volume 2 of the series, as well as the Stan Yak Exclusive book and the Intro Exclusive comic to Volume 3; all successfully funded through Kickstarter!
Seeing that you are DYING to know where the story goes, and that you’re HUNGRY for new zombie stories, we’ve got just the thing to satiate your appetite, Zombies We’re Human Too Volume 3 is ready!
We hope you decide to support this project and all the creators that are apart of it!
– THIS BOOK IS RATED PG-13. The horror falls under the same line as GOOSEBUMPS –
If you’re a horror fan, this project is for you! It has the elements your looking for:
• Scares
• Humor
• Things trying to kill and feed!
If you have backed the previous Kickstarter campaigns for Volumes 1 and 2 – THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Volume 3 is the conclusion to the story line where we see the final fates of our three survivors – Chris, Stacie and Juan. Will they finally make it back to their group? Will they become another zombie story for someone else to tell?
New to the series? Don’t Worry! We’ll have Volume 1 and Volume 2 available! So you will be able to get all three books! That’s more than 350 pages of beautiful art and amazing stories!
Check out a glimpse into what each volume is about!
Zombies We’re Human Too – VOLUME 1

Volume 1 – is about our three survivors out at night on a scavenger run when they get attacked and chased by zombies. They get trapped in a warehouse. So to calm down Juan, Stacie and Chris pick out zombies and make up stories about them: Who they we’re, how long they lasted and how they died. After searching around, hey are able to escape to the next building from the roof using a ladder they found.
Zombies We’re Human Too – VOLUME 2

Volume 2 – The three find their way down the next building but are forced into a “Safe Room”. Juan is even more panicked. As they try to get out, a banging on the door leads them to let in the owners of the room – Patrick and his younger sister Jenny. Tensions are high due to the three invading their “safe” space. Desperation sets in when. they find Patrick was bit and turning. He decides to make the ultimate sacrifice to save his sister. Our heroes make the promise to get her to the church where Patrick’s group is holed up. Together they make a break and get past the horde thru a sewer and get to the church!
Zombies We’re Human Too – VOLUME 3

Volume 3 – The four make it to the church and safety. While investigating, Chris sets off a sound alarm and triggers nearby zombies. Chased around to the back of the building, they desperately look for a way out but are trapped. As they defend themselves, they grabbed and dragged into the dark!
Are they safe?
Who grabbed them?!
You can find out when you back the campaign and get your copy of Zombies We’re Human Too – Volume 3!