Zenescope Names New Editor-In-Chief, Publisher, and Sales & Marketing Specialist

June 30, 2021. While 2020 brought tons of challenges to several companies, Zenescope Entertainment was able to pivot in key areas and take its business to the next level. To further commit to its initiative of expanding readership, Zenescope has made two key hires in David Wohl and Amber Curtis, and has promoted long time employee, Dave Franchini.

David Wohl has been named Zenescope’s Editor-in-Chief and will be tasked with overseeing the editorial department while working to expand the company’s line of comic books and graphic novels. David brings over 25 years of experience to the position. He began his career as an editor at Marvel Comics, working on titles ranging from Transformers to Avengers to Iron Man. Wohl later served as Editor-in-Chief of Top Cow Productions. There he co-created and wrote comic book franchises including The Darkness, Witchblade, and Aphrodite IX

Wohl will work hand in hand with newly promoted Publisher, Dave Franchini. Franchini started with Zenescope in 2009 as an intern, and eventually moved to a staff writer position. He was named Senior Editor in 2016. Now Franchini will start his new position as Publisher where will be responsible for overseeing the creative direction of Zenescope’s vast universe while cultivating the vision of the company’s co-founders and partners, Joe Brusha & Ralph Tedesco.

Amber Curtis also joins Zenescope as the company’s new Sales & Marketing Specialist. Curtis will be responsible for creating and implementing sales initiatives and marketing plans for Zenescope comic book titles, products and merchandise. She will also head up the company’s convention planning for 2021 and beyond.

Upon graduating from Temple University in 2014, Curtis ventured to South Florida’s #1 News Station, WSVN-7/FOX. During her four years there, she launched and led the station’s digital sales department, tripling their revenue during that time. In 2017, Curtis moved onto Supercon where she oversaw all sales and sponsorships for the 130,000 attendees throughout its five shows. After the acquisition of Supercon, Amber joined ReedPOP. The US portfolio she assisted on included Crunchyroll Expo, Florida Supercon, Emerald City Comic Con, Keystone Comic Con, C2E2, and New York Comic Con. 

“I can’t tell you how thrilled we are to bring onto the team two amazing leaders who both have tons of experience and success in this industry.” said Zenescope co-founder and Head of Media Development, Ralph Tedesco. “Couple these new hires with the promotion of David Franchini, we feel our company is not only set to take massive strides in the coming months ahead, but has added excellent role models for our employees, vendors and clients who they’ll be working with.”

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