You Can Contribute to Black Enchantress #6

Make a Contribution! Choose Your Reward!

We’re trying something different. And we’re looking for your help in making it work.

Gordon Purcell is champing at the bit to start drawing the next issue of BLACK ENCHANTRESS.

What we’re trying is a different (and what we hope will prove to be a better) approach to crowd funding. For Black Enchantress #6, we’re going to do it directly from the Heroic Publishing website.
Here’s what that means.
Go to the Black Enchantress project page:
Make a contribution and choose your reward.
Your contribution will come immediately to Heroic Publishing, and from there go straight to Gordon, paying him directly for his work.
Moreover, choose one of the rewards that we can send immediately to you, and we will do that.
Obviously, we won’t be able to send you a copy of Black Enchantress #6 until that issue is actually published, but every other reward that’s available to you will be sent to right away. No waiting.
Reward options include back issues, trade paperbacks, posters, even a few pages of original Gordon Purcell artwork.
Please help us make this work. Visit the Black Enchantress project page, make a contribution, and choose your reward today.

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