One of my favourite things about modern technology is the ease to which independent story tellers can get their visions out into the hands of the public. Moviemakers armed with a laptop and an inexpensive digital camera can make a movie as dramatic and compelling as Hollywood. The age of independent comic book creators distributing poorly photocopied “ash cans” is also at an end.
A real passion of mine is cruising Artist’s Alley at comic conventions, not looking for ripped off and photoshopped art but to find a really cool and fun self-published comic. I have found a few to be sure with stand outs being Jason Loo’s The Pitiful Human-Lizard, A. Shay Hahn’s The Homeless G-Men, Kevin Briones’ Neon Black (which is flippin’ BRILLIANT) and Auric of the Great White North by Davis Dewsbury and Andrew Thomas. Well, I found another …
Jack Grimm: Harbinger of Death follows the exploits of the titular character as a minion of the Ministry of Death habouring the souls of the recently deceased into the afterlife. Jack returns home one day to find a strange box in his mail which induces some wicked nightmares. These dreams distract Jack long enough for someone to sneak in and steal his Lantern, the tool of his trade. In the second issue Jack and his Seven Samurai band of friends head to Hell in pursuit of the Lantern’s thieves.

Gary Boyarski’s black and white art leans towards cartoon as opposed to hyper realistic comic rendering but it is a clean and fun looking style that suits the characters very well. Within the first two issues we are introduced to Jack’s supporting cast, the story’s setting of Necropolis City and all the other elements that can sometimes drag a first issue down as the creator establishes the tone of the narrative and the settings of their unique world. Gary has enough story going on in all these introductions that it makes for a really good read.
Self published so don’t expect a new issue every month but it is a fun book and worth supporting. Even though Issue #2 was just released I am eagerly awaiting news on the progress of issue #3. Hit Gary up on Jack Grimm’s Facebook page and tell him Martin sent ya at https://www.facebook.com/JackGrimmComic. Gary also has a web comic with Jack’s adventures at http://jackgrimm.thecomicseries.com/.
Title: Jack Grimm: Harbinger of Death | Publisher: Dead King Comics
Writer: Gary Boyarski | Artist: Gary Boyarski
Price: $4.00