May 17, Mt. Laurel, NJ: Dynamite is making a giant splash in July 2019 with a new Vampirella series by top tier creators like Christopher Priest, as well as reprints and collections of highly sought after recent and classic material, and lots of special items for fans. But in addition to celebrating the 50 years of Vampi, Dynamite looks to the future of Vampirella comics with a blank comic for aspiring creators!
Dynamite is offering the Vampirella Blank Comic Book. This standard length comic book sports sketch-quality blank interior pages and a cover with just logo treatment. Dynamite is embracing the extraordinary talents of their fanbase and the comics community to experiment and produce their own Vampi stories.
People can take on the project solo or collaborate with friends to write, draw, ink, color, and letter a full-length story. Or split up the pages for an anthology in the vein of the original magazine. Another challenge would be to follow the famous 24-hour comic challenge. An artist drawing in this book could be the next José González, Amanda Conner, Mike Mayhew or Ergün Gündüz, finding themselves professionally drawing the Daughter of Drakulon someday. Or writing, in the footsteps of Archie Goodwin, Kurt Busiek, Mark Millar or Christopher Priest.
“This IS the year of Vampirella! It’s her 50th Anniversary, and as we were looking at exciting new projects to do, we thought to join the current trend of creating near completely blank books for fans to be creative and write and draw their own adventures!” said Nick Barrucci, Dynamite CEO and Publisher. “Whether fans will write and draw comics to practice their craft, or just for the fun of it, this is a great book to try and fulfill your artistic aspirations.”

The Vampirella Blank Comic Book will be solicited in Diamond Comic Distributors’ May 2019 Previews catalog, the premier source of merchandise for the comic book specialty market, and slated for release in July 2019. Comic book fans are encouraged to preorder copies with their local comic book retailers.