your friendly neighborhood spooky writer-guy.
Guess what? I’m in a new book coming out in days…

***READ THE INTERVIEW in the new book
from Crystal Lake Publishing.***
Clive Barker, Chuck Palahniuk, Michael Bailey, F. Paul Wilson, Kevin J. Anderson, Christopher Golden, Rachel Autumn Deering, Yvonne Navarro, Greg Chapman, Tom Monteleone, Lisa Morton, John Palisano, Joe R. Lansdale and Kasey Lansdale, Todd Keisling, Richard Thomas, Brian Kirk, Elizabeth Massie, Lisa Mannetti, Jess Landry, David J. Schow, Tonya Hurley, Linda D. Addison, Cody Goodfelow, Mary Sangiovanni, Stephanie M. Wytovich, Tim Waggoner, David Wellington, Elizabeth Massie, Bev Vincent, James Chambers, Stephen Graham Jones, Vince A. Liaguno, Jonathan Maberry, Kealan Patrick Burke, Del Howison, Jessica Marie Baumgartner, Marie O’Regan, Sarah Pinborough, Mercedes Yardley, Robert Ford, Kelli Owen, Ramsey Campbell, Tim Chizmar, Paul Moore, John Skipp, and Gene O’Neill.
With an introduction by Richard Chizmar and artwork by both Clive Barker and Luke Spooner.

“You need this book. If you’re an aspiring writer, you need this book. If you’re an experienced writer, you need this book. It’s Alive offers something to think about no matter where you are in your career. You need this book.”—Jeff Strand, author of DWELLER
“There are, as I’m sure you’ve heard, no shortcuts to becoming a writer, but if you seriously want to become a better writer with a clearer understanding of the craft, It’s Alive: Bringing Nightmares to Life can help. These articles are written by working writers who know the business and who have a wealth of hints, tips, and tricks that can speed you along on the road to being the kind of writer you want to be. Anyone seriously interested in writing would be crazy not to have this book on the shelf.”—Ray Garton, author of LIVE GIRLS and RAVENOUS