While enjoying a stand-up comedy performance or an open-microphone television show, most people believe that being a comic is easy. Furthermore, some of them consider that this profession does not require any special skills and anyone can become a comic. Nonetheless, there is hard work standing beyond the success of each comic. What do you know about the comic profession?
Being a comedian is not as simple as many people believe. If he wants to be successful in the industry, this person must be able to keep his audience engaged and continuously pique the interest of the viewer. And to do so, he employs a variety of techniques and skills that must be updated regularly to remain competitive.
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Who Is A Comic?
A comedian is an actor who performs in the film and theatre industries, at various events and corporate parties. He entertains people by telling jokes or performing short plays on stage.
Who Fits This Profession?
- Not every person can become a comic. Then who is it for?
- If the routine of office weekdays is excruciating for you;
- If you want to interact with big audiences;
- If you want attention to your own person;
- For those who want to travel to different cities and countries;
- If you have been referred to as the “soul of the company” since childhood;
- For people who can write jokes and want to share them with people, not just friends.
What Qualities Should A Person Possess To Become A Comic?
To become a well-known professional comedian, a person should have the following personal qualities:
- Have natural charisma and innate acting talent;
- A great sense of humor;
- Be sociable;
- Be able to improvise;
- Be able not to show the viewer one’s negative emotions;
Aside from his personal characteristics, this person should cultivate the following traits for successful stage performance:
- Be able to perform acrobatic numbers and equilibristic roles;
- Possess grotesque abilities;
- Be capable of approaching any audience through various techniques;
- Be able to imitate or mimic;
- Be able to switch voice tones to better play the role when needed;
- Possess mobile facial expressions and eye facial expressions;
- Be aware of the fundamentals of acting.
Peculiarities Of The Comic Profession
Ordinary people may consider the profession of a comic to be not a serious job to earn a living. Nonetheless, it requires not only plenty of effort but talent as well.
Being a comic means working not only on your acting skills but developing your writing and joke-drafting skills. Before it comes to the public, a joke passes a long way from written notes made on paper to a ready product.
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When preparing the repertoire for his performances, a comic should be very selective and make jokes on the topics that are acceptable for the general public and will be met with a laugh. Choosing a controversial subject for a topic may cost him his reputation.
Here are some topics that should not be discussed in jokes:
- Jokes that may offend a specific group of people should not be included in your repertoire. For example, it is important to avoid racist jokes, as well as to avoid hurting the feelings of religious citizens;
- Terrorism;
- Politics and politicians;
- When preparing the material for the next performance, you should consider the age of the audience because what is amusing to young people is not always amusing to older people, and vice versa;
- Never copy. Even if you have a favorite comic, do not try to imitate him. Try to develop your own style to be liked by the audience;
- Do not joke about facts that are little-known and necessitate further explanation.
Cons and Pros Of The Comic Profession
Before leaving your regular job to work in the entertainment industry, you should consider the industry’s benefits and drawbacks first.
It is a job that encourages creative expression;
- You do the job that makes you happy;
- It is always a pleasure to make people laugh and smile;
- There is a high likelihood of meeting and sharing experiences with creative people who have already reached their pinnacle;
- You can quickly become famous if you have personal charm and talent;
- A good income;
- It offers a variety of opportunities, such as appearances in commercials and social projects.
- High level of competition, which takes more time to find one’s audience and develop an individual style;
- Frequent cases of creative stagnation;
- It does not bring you money at once;
- One cannot express his negative emotions when speaking to the viewer no matter what happens;
- In the beginning, a lack of experience may cause apprehension about performing (on which further success depends);
- You must write and perform a lot to understand which jokes amuse and which do not. For writing assistance, you can visit the custom writing reviews website of Writing Judge;
- One should be prepared to accept the fact that success will not come easily. There will be many bad performances at first, with emotions that are difficult for beginners to deal with. Nonetheless, such “bad” performances enable the possibility to determine the gaps in your jokes and identify topics that do not work on people.
What To Do If People Do Not Laugh?
The road to fame and success is long and difficult. It not only tests one’s ability to write good jokes, but it also strengthens the character through trials. One of the most common issues that any new comic faces is “What to do if the jokes do not work?”
Do not pretend that everything is fine. You are not required to continue telling people unfunny jokes. The most important thing to remember is that people come for emotions, not jokes.
Therefore, you should take action to give them what they want. Use your improvisational abilities. It might point you in the right direction for a specific audience.
Remember that everything comes with practice. Aside from the live performances, you can hone your skills at schools founded by famous comedians. They will teach you many tricks that will shape your talent for making jokes.
As you can see, this profession allows you to put your creative skills to use. It has its advantages and disadvantages, just like any other profession. Nonetheless, it allows you to do what you want and share your talent with others.