Oh Vertigo, what has happened? Back in 2000 Vertigo released two mini series from the amazing mind of Garth Ennis titled Adventures in the Rifle Brigade and Operation: Bollock. As befitting a Vertigo title these were adult oriented tales of a British special forces commando unit in World War Two. Unfortunately, with Vertigo being the rather diminished imprint that it is this collection of those Vertigo comics comes from the natural successor, Image.
Garth continues to delve into the once very popular WWII genre in his ongoing War Stories title and it is great to see this earlier work republished. We follow the exploits of Captain Hugo Darcy, 2nd Lieutenant Cecil Milk, Sergeant Crumb, Corporal Geezer, Hank the Yank and The Piper as they trek across Europe. The hunt for Hitler’s missing testicle, the hugely well endowed Nazi interrogator Gerta Gasch, the Arabic country of Semmen … definitely not for kids but a hilarious satire which is expertly crafted.

Fantastic art from Carlos Ezquerra, superb colours by Patricia Mulvihill and Kevin Somers. This is a really good looking collection. The original covers by Brian Bolland and Glenn Fabry are included as pin-ups.
If you are a fan of Garth Ennis’ work you are probably familiar with these issues and having all six issues in one collected volume is pretty sharp. I am definitely recommending this to Vertigo fans of old.
Title: Adventures in the Rifle Brigade Trade Paperback | Publisher: Image
Writer: Garth Ennis | Artist: Carlos Ezquerra
Price: $14.99