At Fan Expo Canada this year I met a metric tonne of great comic book creators. So many in fact that I’ve been having a bit of trouble reading all the comics and graphic novels I brought home from the event. One graphic novel series that grabbed my attention but didn’t get any face time until now is USNA: The United States of North America. Featuring an alternative history about the amalgamation of the United States and Canada sometime in the near future. Needless to say, not everyone is pleased with the merger nor the political machinations that brought about this new status quo.

Large corporate agriculture is taking over utilizing the inexpensive, free labour from the for-profit prison systems. Environmental damages in the lower USA has caused water shortages and the shipping of Canada’s natural resources down south. Rationing in cities, food shortages, curfews … life under this new government is tough. Add to all this there is the new war front in Central America. I don’t think anyone will be surprised that an underground resistance group springs up. The USNA Government is responding to this rebel threat by forming a homeland security force called the Strategic Home Alliance Defense Organization (S.H.A.D.O.). Working with broad legal powers S.H.A.D.O. is tasked with locating and eliminating any rebel activity using deadly force if necessary.

Dave Casey’s black and white art immediately reminds me of the Walking Dead. Actually, the whole book gives me the same feeling as those early Walking Dead issues. While the theme is not the same the sensibility and execution is. The graphic novel is all about the characters in this alternative future. You feel for them and as the pages progress, you start to identify with their plight. I’ve devoured the first graphic novel in one sitting so to say the book had my attention is an understatement.
The first chapter is self-contained in one graphic novel while the second chapter has expanded to three volumes so when jumping on with the first book you know that the continued adventures are ready when you are. Currently available on Amazon at and Kobo at
Issue: USNA #1 | Publisher: USNA Publishing Inc.
Writers: Davy Longworth, Allan Stanleigh & Harry Kalensky | Artist: Dave Casey
Price: $14.99 – 216 pages