Several creators are throwing in the towel when it comes to making comics, and for good reason!


Local comic shop, LCS, Steve Rude, The Dude, Robert Venditti, Hawkman, I often follow creators by signing up for their email lists, and I recently received a message that still causes me grief.

Steve Rude (commonly called “The Dude”), one of the very best artists ever in the comic book industry, in my opinion, is leaving comics behind for one simple reason—he can’t make a living at it. And that’s really horrific given Steve’s amazing talent and accomplishments!

Here’s some of what he sent out to his fans:

For 20 years Jaynelle and I have put everything we have–literally every ounce of time, energy, and talent, into the belief that someday all the work we’re doing at Rude Dude will pay off.  But it hasn’t.  Decades on, what I’ve done my whole life, tried to stand for, endured, and maintained hope with, regardless of what hits all of us in our time here–it just isn’t working.

He continued with this: “A reality that we’re just not financially cutting it.  Yes, we have support of fans, always strong, always loyal, but given that our entire way of supporting ourselves has not been nearly enough to sustain us, I’m now looking at a future where things can’t continue as is.”

He points out that his “always devoted and tireless wife” actually works 10-20 hours a day to keep them afloat. He puts in at least 8 hours a day.  “I love what I do, always have, and would do it for nothing, which is, in fact, exactly what I have been doing all this time; working for nothing.” That cuts me to the quick! His Nexus work is some of the very best I’ve ever read! Luckily for us fans, he’s going to finish off the remaining books in his The Battle for Thuneworld series, but there will be no more Nexus from him.

I can’t stop grieving about what a loss this will be!

If Steve Rude can’t make a living doing comics, what creator can?