Missoula, MT (9/24/2021): Vault is thrilled to announce END AFTER END, a wild, fast-paced fantasy series co-created by writers Tim Daniel (The Plot, Fissure) and David Andry (Resonant), with artist Sunando C.

The End After End never ends…

“Like many people over the past eighteen months, I’ll freely admit that I ran aground–drained and unfocused by everything swirling around (us all) and last March,” said Tim Daniel. “I was thoroughly, creatively exhausted. I found myself casting about for a source of inspiration. I discovered it was standing right in front of me for nearly a decade in the person of my good friend and Resonant writer David ‘DB’ Andry.

“All it took was one call and five hours later we had mapped out the entirety of a war-fantasy tale that was then entitled, At The Moment of Your Death. Strangely enough, a couple of weeks into the project, my eight-year-old daughter Olivia handed me a sketch, and at the top of the page she’d written End After End…now look, the universe can point you in a direction, and all you really must do is open yourself up to the possibilities…

“The End After End is just that, and Walt Willem has a second chance to open himself up to what he can be and not what he once was nor what he thinks he should be–and how many of us have the endurance to push through the doorway of life’s many endings to discover who we really are and not allow ourselves to be defined by them?”

“Walt, our main protagonist, wants to make a difference, to be a hero, to be remembered,” added David Andry. “He didn’t get the chance to do so in the real world, but maybe he can in the End After End? Walt is dumped right into the middle of an endless war, a foot-soldier with no special skills or abilities. A cog in a great, grinding wheel. What kind of difference can this type of man make?

“Tim and I are really channelling ourselves through Walt, our feelings of struggling against impossible odds, minor players in the grand scheme of things, just trying to make a difference in this world. We both want to make our mark on the industry. Not necessarily with sales or awards, but by impacting people with our stories.”

“When Tim and I first started talking about what I wanted to do at Vault, I told him that I really wanted to work on something with a lot of world-building and design, something huge and epic in scale,” said Sunando C. “With END AFTER END, DB and Tim really delivered. I couldn’t be more excited about all the demands of this story, creating the titular End after End from the ground up and while we’re still working on the art for the first issue, there are things in the scripts for issues 2, 3, 4, 5 and beyond that I can’t wait to get to.”

END AFTER END #1 will hit store shelves in January 2022. The entire series will feature variant covers by Liana Kangas (She Said Destroy, Trvue Kvlt).

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