Vampirella (Vol. 5) #20
writer: Christopher Priest | artist: Ergün Gündüz
covers: Lucio Parrillo (A), Marco Mastrazzo (B), Shannon Maer (C), Ergün Gündüz (D), Lorraine Cosplay Variant (E), Lucio Parrillo (RI/BW), Ergün Gündüz (RI/BW), Lorraine Cosplay Variant (RI/Virgin), Ergün Gündüz (RI/Virgin), Marco Mastrazzo (RI/BW), Lucio Parrillo (RI/BW Virgin)
FC | 32 pages | Horror, Action/Adventure | $3.99 | Teen+
It’s not over! “Interstellar” became so big a story, we needed more issues to contain it! In this, the penultimate chapter, the secret cause of Drakulon’s long-ago ruin is at last revealed, so if you think you know what led that world to become an inhospitable desert, think again. Of course, this is all assuming you’re not still in shock after the “oh my god!!!!” ending of last ish!