Vampirella #13 preview

Vampirella (Vol. 5) #13

writer: Christopher Priest

artists: Ergün Gündüz, Giovanni Timpano

covers: Lucio Parrillo (A), Joe Jusko (B), Fay Dalton (C)

            Ergün Gündüz (D), Krista Lee Cosplay Variant (E)

            Justin Mason “America Together!” Variant (RI)

            Lucio Parrillo (RI/BW), Ergün Gündüz (RI/BW)

            Krista Lee Cosplay Variant (RI/Virgin), Ergün Gündüz (RI/Virgin)

            Joe Jusko (RI/BW), Lucio Parrillo (RI/BW Virgin)

            Lucio Parrillo CGC-Graded Cover

FC  |  32 pages  |  Horror  |  $3.99  |   Teen+ 

Seducation of the Innocent continues!

In a misguided effort to help her daughter, Lilith attempts to make a believer out of the skeptical Doc Chary. Meanwhile dissention breaks out among Vampirella’s deadliest enemies, and Vampi gains a determined young acolyte.

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