The comic book industry’s first all Native American hero team and Smithsonian Institute (2014) treasure ‘TRIBAL FORCE’ is reuniting with part of its original production team. MACHINE Comix, is proud to announce a publishing agreement that adds America’s first all-native superhero comic book to its growing list of creations. With this, TRIBAL FORCE reunites with a familiar face, independent digital colorist, creative producer, and MACHINE Comix founder, GENE (Gene Jimenez), who was the original production designer and shared color duties on the 1996 original Tribal Force #1.

After its celebrated debut in 1996, TRIBAL FORCE’s original publishing company went belly up, much like a lot of independent comic book publishers of the ’90s. This left TRIBAL FORCE creator and now an independent film producer and actor Jon Proudstar (currently in ‘Reservation Dogs’, FX), searching for a new publishing home for the popular and first all native hero team. Over the last 20years, TRIBAL FORCE has been attempted to relaunch with a few publishers, but as the comic book industry has faced a roller coaster of instability in that time, TRIBAL FORCE and Proudstar seemed to end up on the short end of what they thought were possible homes.

“As we are learning representation matters. I felt this way back in ’96 when we released the original TRIBAL FORCE and I feel that way today as we team up with GENE and MACHINE Comix,” says Jon Proudstar. “We are still one of the most misunderstood people in America. My hope has always been to show a side of us that people are unfamiliar with. Though TRIBAL FORCE is about the return of our gods it’s grounded in very real-world stories. I am excited to finally show you the version of TRIBAL FORCE that I have always dreamed of showing.”

As part of this new deal, Jon Proudstar comes on board as a full business partner with MACHINE Comix, joining GENE and comic book art veteran Scott Sirag (DOWNTOWN).

As TRIBAL FORCE spent 20 years in the proverbial ‘wild’, GENE, the original books producer/colorist, went on a creative journey of sorts, from fashion, television, website producer, and taught at the university level for 10yrs. It was his original pull to fine art however that had GENE showing in galleries from New York, to Florida and Taos, New Mexico, eventually landing him in his hometown of Santa Ana, in the heart of the city’s revived downtown ‘Artist Village’. Eventually, GENE found his way back to one of his true passions, comic books. He has since worked as a regular colorist for several independent comic books, including Stargate, SG1, Hatchet, Cavewoman, and in 2019, he created MACHINE Comix, an independent publishing label that produces comics based on street knowledge, ancient wisdom and created by rebellious artisans. His creation was released just as the COVID 19 pandemic hit, ‘DOWNTOWN’, which follows the journey of an inner-city graffiti writer discovering his power to fight off gentrification, via a demon horde, in his neighborhood.

“I consider myself very lucky. I have the opportunity to work again on what was originally a dream project for me, as a native North American, and now for it to come back around… that frankly never happens”, states GENE. “TRIBAL FORCE fits with every aspect of MACHINE Comix from ancient wisdom, to street knowledge, to the rebellious creators who are part of it. I get a second chance with a project that is more than an awesome story, art, and characters. I get to help produce a book that was meant to speak to an entire generation of new comic book fans at a time when the world needs new heroes, of all cultures. MACHINE Comix is now made up of myself, Jon Proudstar, and Scott Sirag, a group that understands what it means to create from nothing daily.”

TRIBAL FORCE follows the god THUNDER EAGLE as he builds a native hero team from various native tribes of North America. A Navajo, a mute Hunkpapa Sioux, and a Jaguar-Mezo-Azteca warrior make up the initial group as they confront some of today’s real native issues, from an indigenous peoples perspective, fighting off attacks of genocide and broken treaties from high-tech government entities and a host of supervillains. Their powers are mystical, otherworldly, and at times, uncontrollable, but their hearts, minds, and commitment to protect and serve their ancestors and tribes are very real and true.

MACHINE Comix plans to start immediate production and kick-off 2022 with a Kickstarter campaign in January/February, offering the first issue (maybe more) and of course a long list of perks and stretch goal bonus collectibles that comic book Kickstarter campaigns have become known for. Issues 1-3 will be drawn by Pennsylvania-based comic book veteran Christopher Williams, with inker Jake Isenburg, and coloring, lettering, and design layout will be GENE.

TRIBAL FORCE follows the god THUNDER EAGLE as he builds a native hero team from various native tribes of North America. A Navajo, a mute Hunkpapa Sioux, and a Jaguar-Mezo-Azteca warrior make up the initial group as they confront some of today’s real native issues, from an indigenous peoples perspective, fighting off attacks of genocide and broken treaties from high-tech government entities and a host of supervillains. Their powers are mystical, otherworldly, and at times, uncontrollable, but their hearts, minds, and commitment to protect and serve their ancestors and tribes are very real and true.

Proudstar adds, “Get ready, hold into your seats and prepare for the journey with Thunder Eagle, Earth, Adee, Jaguar Knight, and Little Bighorn! It’s Native adventure like you’ve never seen!”

MACHINE Comix is based in historic downtown Santa Ana’s original ‘Artist Village’, sharing GENE’s personal fine-art studio/gallery. TRIBAL FORCE will join GENE’s creations DOWNTOWN (’19) and BUDO RONIN (Late ’22), as well as Sirag’s sci-fi/apocalyptic/fuzzy TALES of ELYSIUM (TBD) and ONZA (’22). MACHINE Comix™ is a subsidiary of MACHINE UNLIMITED™, a brand group that also included ‘GENE art studio/gallery, RCMACHINE Racing, and MACHINE Brand streetwear.

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