Trade paperback from Comics Experience and Source Point Press to debut at C2E2

Comics Experience and Source Point Press are excited to announce the publication of Grief, a comic book short story collection written by Frank Gogol, with art by Nenad Cvitcanin, Kim Holm, Ryan Foust, Bethany Varni, Jey Soliva, colored by Luca Bulgheroni, Esther P. Gil-Munilla, Emily Elmer, lettered by Sean Reinhart, and with a cover by Dani Martins. The Grief trade paperback will debut at the Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo, known as C2E2, on April 6 through 8.

Gogol’s Kickstarter campaign to bring in pre-orders for Grief reached its funding goal in just ten hours. The anthology explores the various ways in which people experience and express grief, using Elizabeth Kübler-Ross’ outline of the five stages as a framework. Grief, an intensely personal work for Gogol, began as a direct result of Gogol taking Comics Experience founder Andy Schmidt‘s Introduction to Comics Book Writing course.
“Creating Grief was cathartic in a lot of ways and sharing it was meant to be my small contribution to help others who are grieving. And I channeled those things into the book and into the campaign and it resonated with people,” Gogol said in an interview on the Comics Experience website.
Beyond the introductory writing course, Gogol also found the Comics Experience Creators Workshop community a pivotal source of support and growth as he worked on Grief and other projects. The connections he forged during his time guided the story to Kickstarter, and then on to Source Point Press.
“Top-to-bottom, the Comics Experience community, especially the Creators Workshop, is a place designed to help members succeed,” Gogol said. “The CE community is a place full of people, who just like me, want to make comics. It’s pros and amateurs and everything in between as peers.”
Grief will debut at the Source Point Press booth at C2E2, taking place on April 6 through 8. It will then be available through retailers who carry Source Point Press publications, at Source Point’s convention appearances and their online store, as well as digitally on comiXology.
The publishing partnership between Comics Experience and Source Point Press gives alumni from Comics Experience’s Creators Workshop, education courses, and mentorships the opportunity to have their comics published and distributed. The publishing program was announced in January 2018 and four titles will be released in April: the miniseries Achilles, Inc. and The Family Graves, and the trade paperbacks Grief and Wretched Things.

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