Title: Tales From Nottingham # 1

Title: Tales From Nottingham # 1
Publisher: Mad Cave Studios
Writer: David Hazan
Artist: Shane Connery Volk
Colorist: Luca Romano
Letterer: Justin Birch
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Website: www.madcavestudios.com
Comments: The King of Jerusalem Conrad de Montferrat is attacked and his attackers are shown fleeing. This scene has action as the attack is carried out and afterward as well.
Then we switch to Aya and her training. She is drawn so beautifully. She is drawn wonderfully using shading on her body which looks gorgeous. The overall look of the art does deliver a setting that fits the story perfectly.
As you read this book the plot of it is not easy to figure out other than it is introducing a few characters. Yet why are we reading about them? What are they doing?  Why is Hamza tortured?
Aya does have a decision to make and it is a hard one.
Great art and the time period is portrayed just as you would expect. The story needs to explain things a lot more. To be specific. The characters are drawn amazingly but for the characters themselves for the reader to care more about them, they have to know more.
Yes, Aya and Hamza had a relationship. What was the purpose of their training? Aya is a promising character, it would be great to see in an adventure that focuses on her.

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