Title: Princeless: Raven The Pirate Princess: Year Three # 1
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Written by: Jeremy Whitley
Pencils by: Xenia Pamfil
Inks by: Christine Hipp
Colors by: Lexillo
Lettered by: Justin Birch
Cover by: Sorah Suhng and Eddy Swan
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.actionlabcomics.com
Comments: Raven and Ximena make such a cute couple. It is wonderful to see Ximena standing up for herself. This relationship is based on love but it is also going to be one of equality. The art illustrates these two as beautiful young women.
The crew of women pirates has girls from all over the world and even some members that are not quite human. This does add a nice touch to the crew.
Who is Charan Mirga and how does Raven know her? What past relationship have they had? Will Ximena be jealous?
There is not a lot of action this issue yet there is excitement and a lot to keep you interested.
The characters are such a variety each one will draw you in and holds your interest. These pirate girls are gorgeous and done in a realistic way as to their attitude. These are women that other women will be able to identify with and others too.