Title: Princeless: Raven The Pirate Princess # 11

raven_11-digital-1Title: Princeless: Raven The Pirate Princess # 11
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Writer: Jeremy Whitley
Pencils: Rosy Higgins
Inks: Ted Brandt
Colors: Ty Johnsen
Letters: Justin Birch
Cover: Rosy Higgins, Ted Brandt
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.actionlabcomics.com
Comments: Raven sneaks in to town and into a house to get a healer. She is illustrated in some nice action poses as she fights.
Raven does get to Leilani Lona the healer. She is illustrated quite nicely.
Now Raven and Leilani face off in a battle if Raven wins Leilani will help her. Raven shows off her skill before they fight. Leilani shows hers as they fight. A healer can be a soldier to.
Raven and Leilani are such amazing characters and they compliment each other wonderfully. Raven is a pirate and Leilani an island girl yet they do seem to have a lot in common.
This comic treats women as the equal of men. No females in almost not there costumes, no helpless girls, here you have real women and yes they can fight.

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