Title: Milk Teeth # 1
Publisher: Hirukoa Comics
Written and Illustrated by: Boris Ramirez Barba
Price: $ .99 US digital
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.hirukoa.net
Comments: A little girl Cara is shown pulling out her own tooth. The illustrations are somewhat gross. Cara is wearing a rabbit mask that gives her a weird look. Her parents do act strangely. The apartment Cara lives in is drawn basic so the art showing it is simple.
Cara has lots of homemade masks that she loves to wear. This girl has one strange life.
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The more you read of this story the more you get the feeling something is going on here that should not be. The build-up and the suspense combine to create an atmosphere of mystery. You will find yourself wondering if Cara is totally sane? Is everything around her real? What is happening here is the question that will be in your mind.
Cara is a sweet and cute little girl who is on a ride going to who knows where?