Title: Killing Moon # 1
Publisher: PigDog Press
Script: Chris Denton
Art/Cover: Bhuna
Colour: Darren Stephens
Lettering: Bolt-01
Consulting Editor: Richmond Clements
Back Cover: Matthew Soffe
Price: £3.50
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: comicsy.co.uk/pigdogpress/
Comments: Three Killing Moon assassins for hire are paid to assassinate an evil necromancer. Moses, McKie, and Ingrid make up this team.
The castle of the necromancer is a dark ominous site. You can tell evil resides within. Then we see Fred and Nobby two of the necromancer’s guards and they are portrayed as just ordinary working Joe’s. These guys are likable.
The art illustrating the characters could use more detail. For the most, it is well done. The walking dead are not overly frightening but they do convey their violent intentions easy enough.
The action starts out fairly slow but steadily builds in intensity. They even take on a dragon of sorts. The necromancer adds a twist to the story that will catch you by surprise.
All the pin-ups are beautifully rendered.
This is a wonderfully entertaining tale of adventure of sword and sorcery that will leave you wanting more.