RICH REVIEWS: George Perez’s Sirens # 6

Title: George Perez’s Sirens # 6
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Written, Illustrated and Created by: George Perez
Colors by: Vladimir Popov
Letters by: Ed Dukeshire
Cover: George Perez/Colors by Leonardo Paciarotti
Variant Cover: George Perez/Colors by Leonardo Paciarotti
Connecting Pencil Variant Covers: George Perez
BOOM! Studios Exclusive Cover: George Perez/Colors by Leonardo Paciarotti
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Comments: Well there is a lot going on but no explanation as to how it fits into the story.
We get to see two intelligent and sentient computer programs fighting it out and only one survives.
There is so much going on here it is impossible to understand it all. So many characters are being used.
Having a character compare what is going on in the comic to a George Perez comic is funny.
The story does jump around so much and makes little sense. Time travel is involved but how is not explained.
One thing that is clear in this comic is how great a character Highness is. She is a leader and strong. She is trying everything she can to save all Terrans and Terra-Prime or is it kill them all. Well she is a hero so.
The ending here is full of questions. One thing is sure though the Sirens were and are heroes.

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