Title: Dick Tracy: Dead or Alive # 1

Title: Dick Tracy: Dead or Alive # 1
Publisher: IDW
Written by: Lee & Michael Allred
Penciler: Rich Tommaso
Inker: Michael Allred
Colors: Laura Allred
Letters: Shawn Lee
Cover: Michael Allred/Colors by Laura Allred
Variant Covers: Rich Tommaso/Colors by Amy Plasman, Michael Allred, Mike Oeming, Ryan Kincaid
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating:  out of 5 stars
Website: http://www.idwpublishing.com
Comments: The art is old style. It looks good. The yellow trench coat really stands out.
Dick Tracy is a straight cop. He represents the law and does not give in to any pressure to go easy on certain individuals no matter the cost to himself.
Big Boy has a plan and it involves Dick Tracy. His well-laid plans mean nothing to Dick Tracy. Big Boy brings Tracy to town planning to use him. When Tracy hits town he really hits it hard. The bullets start flying and those who thought to control Dick Tracy find out just how good a cop he is.

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