May 15, London – Robotech, the classic 80s anime TV series – currently airing on Crunchyroll – expands into a new comic series this summer from Transformers and Kamen Rider Zero-One writer, Brandon Easton, and Power Rangers artist, Simone Ragazzoni. ROBOTECH: RICK HUNTER is a four-part mini-series published by Titan Comics, launching August 2, 2023.
Robotech is a Sci-Fi anime series which first aired on television in the USA in 1985. Produced by Harmony Gold USA, the 85-episode series hooked viewers’ imagination with its epic storylines involving war, romance, and the transforming Veritech fighters that defend the Earth against extra-terrestrial attacks.
Set after the devastating events of the Macross saga, ROBOTECH: RICK HUNTER will see Rick Hunter face an all new threat, along with the ghosts of his past — when a Zentraedi splinter group attacks Yokohama, Rick is called to investigate! Piloting the new prototype YF-4 Veritech, Rick encounters old friends and new enemies, all while recounting the moments of his life that shaped most epic moments in the Robotech universe!
The debut issue will feature a host of stunning cover artists including Inhyuk Lee, Derrick Chew, Simone Ragazzoni, Josh Burcham and Nahuel Grego.
“Working on the new series has been so exciting as we’ve managed to bring together a team of Robotech superfans to tell an all new story, as well as flashing back to the Macross Saga to provide fans with exciting, never before seen moments!” said Titan Comics editor Calum Collins. “Our writer Brandon Easton and artist Simone Ragazzoni both have a deep reverence for Robotech and are bringing their A-game with an explosive plot, deep emotional scenes, and gorgeous artwork — in short Robotech fans are in for a real treat with Robotech: Rick Hunter!”
This is the latest addition in Titan’s critically-acclaimed Robotech comics line which includes Robotech Volumes 1-5, Robotech Event Horizon, Robotech Remix and Robotech Archives collections: The Macross Saga, The Sentinels and The Masters.
ROBOTECH: RICK HUNTER #1 is on sale at comic shops on August 2, 2023 and will be available to order from the June edition of Diamond PREVIEWS, and from Forbidden Planet for UK & Europe.