Tim Pilcher leaves Soaring Penguin Press

Soaring Penguin Press co-publisher seeks new challenges

We are saddened to announce that Tim Pilcher will be leaving Soaring Penguin Press come the New Year.

Tim joined us in the latter part of 2018, and was responsible for bringing both Breakthrough: Our Time and Black to our list. As well, he was the driving force that made 2021 our best year yet.

Says co-publisher John Anderson, “I’m going to miss having Tim around, he brought an insight into publishing comics in the UK. It was always good to have his opinion.”

Adds co-publisher Tim Pilcher, “I’ve spent four brilliant years working with John at Soaring Penguin Press and have been incredibly proud of the quality and diversity of books we’ve produced, from The Bad Bad Place and The Glass Wall to Urban Tailsand The Rez. Unfortunately, recent demands from other projects have meant I’ve been unable to devote as much time as Soaring Penguin deserves, and with a heavy heart I have decided to step down. However, I know the company is in safe hands and—with two recent successful Crowdfunding campaigns for the forthcoming Nord by Martin Simpson, and Mark Stafford’s Salmonella Smorgasboard—I’m certain that this penguin will continue to soar ever-upwards!”

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