Thrilling Nostalgia Comics Brings Us Blue Flame and K the Unknown

Thrilling Nostalgia Comics have launched a new Kickstarter featuring stories from the Blue Flame and K the Unknown PLUS some Golden Age stories lost for 80 years and never published…until NOW!
The Blue Flame® #1 features two new short stories plus reprints his first appearance in Captain Flight #11 (Four Star 1947). In The Blue Flame® #2, we see the return of two Golden Age villains, The BAT and The VULTURE as they seek to create havoc at the Empire State Building and instead run into the BLUE FLAME along with two friends, Rocket Man and Rocket Girl! You also be treated to Ryan Steele, Boy Detective in a story lost for 80 years and never published until today! K the Unknown features the new K the Unknown fighting Obersturmbannführer Death in a story alluded to in the Liberty Brigade graphic novel. Also, the K comic contains the 1st appearance of Xandu the Magician in a story that was penciled, inked and lettered nearly 80 years ago and lost until today.

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