One of the great things about crowdfunding is the ease to which independent creators can drum up the funds to self publish a comic book. I can spend hours pouring through Kickstarter, looking for fun projects and sharing them with my pals. But once in a while I miss one. Recently my chum Harry, we were in the Canadian Air Force together as instructors, sent me a link to a fun comic called Badassical. Issues one and two have been successfully funded with issue #2 having just been sent off to the printer.
So what is Badassical anyways?
As writter John Fleming puts it, “This comic is a lighthearted look at the world, gently seasoned with a little ultra-violence for flavor. It follows three young women as they deal with the threat posed by a brotherhood of ninjas, seemingly led by an old ally. From there, things get complicated.” Set slightly in the future, we follow Kate, Susan and Pandora trying to track down Ninja-Gary and recover a mysterious device. Of course pizza comes first and the gals sit down for a slice to talk about, what else, boys! Being trapped in a reality TV show sucks. And to make matters worse there are even giant, city destroying robots on the horizon!
Badassical is a fun comic that will appeal to fans of Japanese-style comics, mixing relationships, mystery and adventure. Collette Turner’s Manga inspired art is clean and well rendered with the expected rabbit, cat and panda ears. J Skipper’s colouring is vibrant and fully compliments Collette’s line work. While John Fleming hails from Canada his collaborators span the ocean reaching back to the United Kingdom.
For updates on the delivery of the Badassical #2 Kickstarter and news on any future issues check out the Badassical Facebook page at
Issue: Badassical #1 | Publisher: Dapper Drone
Writer: John Fleming | Artists: Collette Turner & J. Skipper