The Science of Fear: A Groundbreaking Journey in Into the Unbeing #1

Into the Unbeing #1

Illustrated by: Hayden Sherman

Written by: Zac Thompson

Dark Horse Comics


*Spoilers? maybe a little..

A group of climate scientists working in a remote base camp on the Australian outback discover an impossible landform. They venture inside expecting the unexpected, and the titular Unbeing delivers. True to the traditions of cosmic horror, they discover an anomalous environment that defies everything they think they know about the world.

From critically acclaimed writer Zac Thompson (Cemetery Kids Don’t Die, Blow Away) and visionary artist Hayden Sherman (Dark Spaces: Dungeon, Wasted Space).

“Into the Unbeing #1” immerses readers in a narrative that is as enigmatic as it is unsettling. Zac Thompson’s writing, paired with Hayden Sherman’s illustrations, crafts a tale that is a nod to the cosmic horror genre (such as Dagon, From Beyond and Event Horizon), yet stands on its own with a distinct voice. The story unfolds in the parched expanse of the Australian outback, where a team of climate scientists stumbles upon an inexplicable landform. This discovery propels them into the depths of the Unbeing, a place that challenges their understanding of reality.

Thompson’s narrative style weaves a sense of paranoia and skepticism, which is apt for the genre, but at times, the dialogue feels weighed down by its own gravity. The characters, while facing the unimaginable, sometimes lack the depth that would make their terror resonate with the reader. Sherman’s art, however, brings a unique flair to the scenes, with a style that captures the otherworldliness of the Unbeing. His use of stark contrasts and unconventional layouts adds to the disorientation, aligning well with the story’s theme.

The comic does well to intrigue with its premise, offering a mystery that is genuinely compelling. The organic anomaly they explore is a clever twist, adding layers to the narrative. However, the pacing can feel uneven, with some sections racing through developments while others linger a little too long on the details.

For fans of the the Lovecraftian horror subgenre, “Into the Unbeing #1” offers enough novelty to warrant attention. It doesn’t shy away from the tropes of cosmic horror but attempts to carve out a niche with its unique setting and artistic choices. The potential for a gripping series is there, waiting to unfold in subsequent issues. Whether it will rise to the expectations set by its first issue remains to be seen, but for now, it’s a solid entry that could benefit from a tighter narrative and more fleshed-out characters in its future installments.


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