The New Adventures of Super Indian

This year, Native Voices goes virtual. The New Adventures of Super Indian, created and written by Arigon Starr (Kickapoo) based on her popular graphic novels, unfolds over three audio episodes that tell the comic exploits of Super Indian and the residents of the fictional Leaning Oak Tribe Reservation. Hubert Logan, an ordinary reservation boy turned superhero faces off against three of his biggest foes—Wampum Baggs, the ringleader of the Circle of Evil; Blud Kwan’Tum, a cursed vampire determined to become a full-blooded Indian by any means necessary; and Karlie Keane, a scheming social media diva.

Premieres Wednesday April 14 | 4:00 p.m.

New Episodes Wednesday April 21 & 28 | 4:00 p.m.


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