The Moon Is Following Us #1 – A Powerful, Heartfelt Series Premiere

The Moon Is Following Us #1

Written by: Daniel Warren Johnson

Illustrated by: Daniel Warren Johnson, Riley Rossmo

Colors by: Mike Spicer

Image Comics


Great first issue! Minor spoilers thrown in.


Sam and Duncan LaMarr love their six-year-old daughter, Penny, more than anything in the whole world. But half a year ago, she was taken by the Cascade, an evil force they barely understand. Now, Sam and Duncan must fight side by side with the magical beings Penny cherished to try and get her back…before she’s gone forever.

“The Moon Is Following Us #1” hits hard right from the start, blending beautiful artwork with an emotional, gripping story. Writer Daniel Warren Johnson, alongside artist Riley Rossmo and colorist Mike Spicer, brings us into the lives of Sam and Duncan LaMarr, two parents desperately trying to rescue their daughter Penny from the mysterious force known as the Cascade. From the moment you dive into this issue, you can feel the love these characters have for Penny and the weight of their struggle to get her back.

Johnson knows how to tell a story with heart, and he’s created a world that’s as magical as it is dangerous. The pacing is on point, with a perfect balance of action and quieter moments, letting us really feel the stakes without overloading us with exposition. It’s the kind of storytelling that trusts the reader to pick up on the nuances and lets the art speak volumes.

Rossmo’s artwork is nothing short of incredible. His unique, kinetic style breathes life into every panel, whether it’s a sweeping magical battle or an intimate moment between Sam and Duncan. Paired with Mike Spicer’s vibrant colors, the visuals explode off the page. Spicer’s use of color amplifies every emotion and gives the world of “The Moon Is Following Us #1” hass a rich, otherworldly feel, without ever overshadowing the characters.

This first issue delivers on everything you could hope for: relatable characters, a world with deep, magical history, and real stakes that hit home. By the end, you’re hooked, ready to follow this family’s journey into the unknown.

If you love comics that strike a perfect balance between epic and intimate, you won’t want to miss “The Moon Is Following Us”. Daniel Warren Johnson and Riley Rossmo are in top form, and with Mike Spicer’s amazing colors, this is one of the best new series launches of the year.


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