This is the complete collection of The Masters Issues 1 through 5 PLUS the exclusive Issue 0, chronicling the story behind the creation of The Masters. It contains all of the content from the first five issues, including all of the artist bios, mazes, parody ads, and editor’s notes.

BONUS materials include all variant covers, all bonus Kickstarter pin-ups and posters, complete Easter Egg reveals, images of original black-and-white art, emails between artists and the author, images of original model sheets, rough sketches, and original notes from the author.

The Masters Omnibus will come in digital, hardcover, and trade paperback versions with three different cover options. We may also produce a limited run strictly in black and white only if there is a demand.

ADD-ONS will include a 2026 Wall Calendar; Character Cups in the style of 7-11 Slurpee cups; Black Light Poster; Black Owl Halloween mask in Ben Cooper style; Jigsaw Puzzle of the cover to The Masters Issue #2 by Tom Morgan; 1970s style Metal Lunchbox; Coloring Book; Trading Cards; Buttons; Pin Ups; and all the Who’s Who pages collected together in one book with cover art by comic book legend Pablo Marcos.

Our target ship date for The Masters Omnibus is September 1.

Here’s the notification link

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