The Jamie Coville Experience: SDCC – Spotlight on Robert Williams

Spotlight on Robert Williams (48:38, 44.5mb)
Eric Reynolds interviews Robert Williams. Among the topics discussed were how much of his art is already finished in his head before he starts drawing or painting, his rules for himself as an artist, the comics he read as a kid and his other interests and how that influenced him as an artist. Robert talked about his early jobs he was fired from, working with Big Daddy Roth and then comics. Williams revealed he just didn’t fit in with the fine art world and how the punk rock culture become his peer group. They spoke about Juxtaposed, The Lowbrow Art of Robert Williams, Zap Comics, Feltch and an obscenity case against underground comics. Other topics covered were politics, museums showing comic art, Tijuana Bibles and reduction & reproduction of art.

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