By Mike Baron

I just finished reading Mike Baron’s Nexus. I remember when it first appeared as a comic book. At that time, it became a very favorite series. I read several issues and enjoyed the series. Mike Baron was and is one of the best writers I’ve had pleasure reading.

Nexus, the novel was a great pleasure to read. Mike Baron gave the reader several views of the characters he created. I found one of the most interesting characters to be Nexus’ son and look forward to seeing what Mike Baron does with him. Each of the characters that populate Nexus universe could easily be a new novel in the making. Even the ones that ended (or did they?) in this story.

The Big Bad in this story you will recognize him as someone that you have seen before somewhere else. This was the best version I’ve read. I enjoyed the build-up as we look to see how Nexus would solve this problem. Even with several subplots closing, I could easily see them open up later.

Even if you never read any of his comic books, you will instantly fall in love with his writing and look for more. Whether it be comic books or novels, Mike Baron is an author you will want to follow. Check out his other books and comics for more enjoyable reads.

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