Whether you’re stuck at the office with only your work computer, or out and about with your mobile and no games downloaded on it, a browser-based game can always come to the rescue. All you need to play these games is a device with internet compatibility and you’re set. We’ve chosen a selection that will largely suit quick play gamers, but a handful have a little more longevity, encouraging you to play longer to progress further. So, if you’re ready for some browser-based fun, then make a note of this list.
First up is a classic. It’s brilliantly simple and that’s part of what makes it so very playable. There’s no aim to the game as such, other than to make a really cool track. You begin with a blank screen and a tiny little man on a toboggan. Using a paint tool you can draw a line that the toboggan rider will slide down. The steeper the line, the more speed he picks up, so if you draw it steep enough you can include jumps, loop the loops and all kinds of other things. Your imagination and a bit of basic physics are the only limitations for this game. Enjoy!
Next up is another simple game, but one that takes a much longer form. Like Line Rider, you begin with a totally blank screen with just the words ‘A Dark Room‘ and the option to click a text button and light a fire. Once the fire is lit, the room becomes brighter and more text options become available. We won’t spoil the story for you but it continues in a purely text based way for a long time. It suits a certain type of gamer, but if that is you then you’ll have a great time with it. What’s more is that your progress is linked to your Google account (or other browser) so you won’t lose it if you close the window.
With the biggest poker game in Canada about to take place, many of us will be excited to watch the action. Some of us though, will be practicing our skills online to see if we can join in at the next one. Poker is a widely available option that’s available through many different websites meaning that you can choose the user interface that you personally prefer. Learning online is a good place to start as there’s not the pressure of a table of players waiting for your next move. This is a good choice for the strategic gamer and those who like games of logic under time constraints.
Our final pick is one for the linguaphiles. Wordle was invented by a doting boyfriend for his girlfriend who had got bored of the standard crosswords and word searches. He invented a game where you had to guess a five-letter word in six steps or less. Each time you guessed a letter correctly one of the five blank squares would turn green, correctly but in the wrong place and it would turn yellow, guess wrong and it would be greyed out. Using this information you carry on guessing words until you hit the right one. The game was simple but brilliant, so brilliant that the New York Times made gaming news headlines and spent a million dollars securing it!