TCAF 2024: Canada Post Graphic Novel Stamp Panel 

Canada Post Graphic Novel Stamp Panel (1:07:56, 155mb)
Miles Baker did the introduction, then Carrie Chisholm from Canada Post announced they made new stamps with Seth, Jillian & Mariko Tamaki, Chester Brown and Michel Rabagliati based on their books Clyde Fans, This One Summer, Louis Riel and Paul à Québec respectively. Ho Che Anderson then interviewed the Seth, Jillian Tamaki and Chester Brown. They spoke about how they got involved with Canada Post, the process of making the stamp and working with Canada Post, Jillian spoke about collecting stamps as a child and always wanting to make one as a kid, the exposure and prestige of their work on a stamp, comics as art and their progression from the 1980s to now, how in comics there are different parts that want comics to be respected vs. subversive and which ‘camp’ they fall into, if Chester would do Louis Riel differently today, how there are a lot more young cartoonists now, becoming ‘elder statemen’ of comics, the state of comics today and the industry, how big their respective OA was and thinking about how it will look when it’s shrunk down to stamp size, working with scanners and digitally, the reduction of quality in non-digital art tools, how Seth and Chester influenced each other, Jillian learning how to draw comics by reading comics, Jillian being a part of a generation of comics creators that didn’t grow up reading Marvel and DC comics, if they felt trapped by the success of their earlier works, Chester’s Paying for It being turned into a film and what new work they are doing.

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