Title: Cosmo The Mighty Martian # 1 Publisher: Archie Comics Story by: Ian Flynn Art by:…
RICH REVIEWS: Brina the Cat# 1 “The Gang of the Feline Sun”
Title: Brina the Cat# 1 “The Gang of the Feline Sun” (GN) Publisher: Papercutz Script: Giorgio Salati…
RICH REVIEWS: Mary Shelley Presents # 1
Title: Mary Shelley Presents # 1 Publisher: Kymera Press Story: Elizabeth Gaskell Written by: Nancy Holder Artist:…
RICH REVIEWS: Blu Lullaby Vol. 1
Title: Blu Lullaby Vol. 1 (TPB) Publisher: Action Lab Comics Written by: Chad Perkins Art by: Andrea Montano Cover…
RICH REVIEWS: Amalgama: Space Zombie # 1
Title: Amalgama: Space Zombie # 1 Publisher: Action Lab Comics Created by: Jason Martin with Dan Mendoza…
RICH REVIEWS: Bolt Action # 1
Title: Bolt Action # 1 Publisher: Rat House Comics Writer: David Zuzelo Artist: Tim Tyler Price: $…
RICH REVIEWS: Fiends # 3
Title: Fiends # 3 Publisher: Rat House Comics Writers: David Zuzelo, Tim Tyler Artist: Tim Tyler…
RICH REVIEWS: Hero 9 To 5 Vol. 1
Title: Hero 9 To 5 Vol. 1 (GN) Publisher: Markosia Enterprises Written by: Ian Sharman Drawn by:…
RICH REVIEWS: Archie Halloween Spectacular
Title: Archie Halloween Spectacular Publisher: Archie Comics Story: Francis Bonnet, Bill Golliher, Frances Bonnett, Dan Parent Pencils:…
RICH REVIEWS: WWE Smackdown 20th Anniversary # 1
Title: WWE Smackdown 20th Anniversary # 1 Publisher: BOOM! Studios Writer: Kevin Panetta Illustrated by: Kendall Goode…
RICH REVIEWS: Chainsaw Reindeer # 1
Title: Chainsaw Reindeer # 1 Publisher: Action Lab Comics Writer & Creator: Brandon Rhiness Pencils & Inks:…
RICH REVIEWS: Impure Blood Volume 1
Title: Impure Blood Volume 1 Publisher: NA Squared Writer: Nadja Baer Illustrated by: Nathan Lueth Price: $…
RICH REVIEWS: Offspring # 2
Title: Offspring # 2 Publisher: Correct Handed Productions Created, Written, Penciled, Inked & Lettered by: David…
RICH REVIEWS: Offspring # 1
Title: Offspring # 1 Publisher: Correct Handed Productions Created, Written, Penciled, Inked & Lettered by: David…
RICH REVIEWS: Trumpocalypse Now # 4
Title: Trumpocalypse Now # 4 Publisher: Alivebook Story & Art by: Mike Gagnon Price: $ 2.99…
RICH REVIEWS: Trumpocalypse Now # 3
Title: Trumpocalypse Now # 3 Publisher: Alivebook Story & Art by: Mike Gagnon Price: $ 2.99…
RICH REVIEWS: Trumpocalypse Now # 2
Title: Trumpocalypse Now # 2 Publisher: Alivebook Story & Art by Mike Gagnon Price: $ 2.99…
RICH REVIEWS: Trumpocalypse Now # 1
Title: Trumpocalypse Now # 1 Publisher: Alivebook Story & Art by: Mike Gagnon Price: $ 2.99…
RICH REVIEWS: The Fantastic Adventures of Compu-M.E.C.H.: The Evil Extractor!
Title: The Fantastic Adventures of Compu-M.E.C.H.: The Evil Extractor! Publisher: Monolith Comics Writer/Artist/Cover/Colors/Letterer: Theodore Raymond Riddle Price:…
RICH REVIEWS: Midnight Sky # 1
Title: Midnight Sky # 1 Publisher: Scout Comics Writer: James Pruett Illustrator: Scott Van Domelen Colorist: Ilaria…
RICH REVIEWS: Planet Caravan # 1
Title: Planet Caravan # 1 Publisher: Scout Comics Story by: Stefano Cardoselli and Andrea Amenta Writer: Andrea…
Title: Anabasis (GN) Publisher: Markosa Enterprises Ltd Written & Illustrated by: Petri Hiltunen Adapted from the…
Title: MacBeth (GN) Publisher: Markosia Enterprises Ltd Adapted from the play by: William Shakespeare Adaptation: Petri…
RICH REVIEWS: Going to the Chapel # 1
Title: Going to the Chapel # 1 Publisher: Action Lab Comics Written by: David Pepose Art…
A grad student kidnaps two homophobic high-school bullies to use as her subjects in an experiment…
RICH REVIEWS: Foxforce # 4
Title: Foxforce # 4 Publisher: Lucky Comics Story: Lou Mougin Pencils: Joe Graves Inks: Jim Hachey…
RICH REVIEWS: Compu-M.E.C.H. # 1
Title: Compu-M.E.C.H. “Reboot” Volume 1 # 1 Publisher: Monolith Comics Writer/Artist/Cover: Theodore Raymond Riddle Price: $…
RICH REVIEWS: Camp Cross # 1
Title: Camp Cross # 1 Publisher: Genefex Gallery Writer: Joshua Amangala Interior Art: Tenalo Kadilobari Jens…
Title: H.O.P.E. (TP) Publisher: Genefex Gallery Writers: Douglas Oruambo, Joshua Amangala Pencils: Joshua Amangala Price: 300.00 Naira /…
RICH REVIEWS: Investigation 13
Investigation 13 Plot: A group of science students has discovered how to scientifically explain the paranormal.…
RICH REVIEWS: Archie and Friends: Back to School # 1
Title: Archie and Friends: Back to School # 1 Publisher: Archie Comics Stories: Dan Parent Pencils: Dan…