If you go to some local comics shops, you’ll often find what many of us refer…
Wayne’s Worlds: Should Marvel Keep Looking Back to Its Past?
I’ve been intrigued by all the recent discussion about Marvel’s position in the marketplace and what’s…
Wayne’s Worlds: Losing A Favorite
With the advent of the Internet and the endless news cycle, we can’t escape the unceasing…
Wayne’s Worlds: Losing a Favorite
With the advent of the Internet and the endless news cycle, we can’t escape the unceasing…
WAYNE’S WORLDS: Marvel Comics Aren’t Going Anywhere
I’ve been reading a lot of speculation online recently that Disney is going to stop production…
Marvel set to release Infinity War trailer
Marvel has posted a special announcement regarding the much anticipated trailer for “Avengers: Infinity War.” To…
Wayne’s Worlds: Trek’s Merging Comics, Novels and TV
I remain quite a big fan of Star Trek, so I’m fascinated by Star Trek: Discovery because,…
Wayne’s Worlds: Too Many Superhero Comics!
Over the last several years, I’ve been fortunate in that I’ve met many Indie comics creators…
WAYNE’S WORLDS: I Just Don’t Get It Sometimes
Some very popular trends just pass me by at times. I see others diving headlong into…
Wayne’s Worlds: Biggest, Baddest Baddies
It’s long been said that what makes good movies are the bad guys. If that person…
CCL Vidcast #2 – The Punisher: Back to the War Omnibus Review and Extras
Chris goes over The Punisher: Back to the War Omnibus including all the extras and some…
REVIEW CORNER: Marvel Fanfare # 29
Marvel Fanfare # 29 “A Terrible Thing To Waste… (Hulk Story)” Writer/Artist: John Byrne Letterer: Jim…
The Hey Kids Comics Radio Show – Episode 72
The Hey Kids Comics Radio Show – Episode 72 What if!?!? What if Disney closes the…
Wayne’s Worlds: Moving Away from Trades
For years, comic books have suffered from what I refer to as “trade paperback-itis.” Most stories…
Wayne’s Worlds: My Suggestions for the Justice League
It won’t be long until the Justice League feature film arrives, something I’m anxiously awaiting. I…
Wayne’s Worlds: No Bad Characters…
Only bad writers. Or at least, writers who don’t know what to do with the characters.…
WAYNE’S WORLDS: Helping Peter David
We’ll get back to Batman next week, but this time there’s something going on I feel…
HJC and Marvel Comics Unite for Officially Licensed Graphic Helmets
Are you ready to let your comic pride show when driving the roads on your motorcycle?…
Wayne’s Worlds: Doomsday.1
One of the biggest names in comics the last several decades has been John Byrne, who…