We don’t want to find out what’s coming next or especially what worked before—we want what’s…
Justice League
Wayne’s Worlds: The Justice League Goes Unlimited
If you have been missing the Justice League, take heart! The team is coming back, and…
Wayne’s Worlds: Has Green Arrow Gone Bad?
What’s a Batman-like hero to do when creators run out of ideas for him? He goes…
Wayne’s Worlds: I Steam, You Stream, We All Stream…
One of the biggest trends going on right now is streaming, and one service I like…
WAYNE’S WORLDS: What’s the Deal with Director’s Cuts?
It wasn’t that long ago that Marvel announced the first issue of X-Men/Fantastic Four will soon be…
Wayne’s Worlds: That @*&! Fifth Week!
Comics is what we call a habitual industry, meaning you normally buy your books out of habit. For…
Wayne’s Worlds: Marvel Versus DC, Now More than Ever!
The same animosity between Marvel and DC not only continues in the comics, but has moved…
Wayne’s Worlds: Bring Back the Bi-Weeklies!
For a while there, it seemed as if more bi-weekly (every other week) comics were going…
FCN Podcast #48: Justice League Snyder Cut trailer deep dive, that Vanity Fair article and the state of comic book movies
After a listeners request recorded a bonus episode diving deeper into the new Justice League trailer…
NerdStop #25 – Justice League trailer, WandaVision spoilers, Monster Hunter, Mortal Kombat red trailer
Valentines Day Special WandaVision and getting spoiled on YouTube DC movies and the various issues with…
DC Fandome Video Reveals
DC had a lot to talk about today at the first part of their “Fandome” event.…
Wayne’s Worlds: Lex Luthor, Hero?
In the last several years, I’ve noticed that Lex Luthor has been a favorite among certain…
Wayne’s Worlds: No Bad Characters
There are no bad characters. Only bad writers. Or at least, writers who don’t know what…
Wayne’s Worlds: Comics and Collectibles
Don’t get me wrong. I read a lot of comics every week. But as hard as…
WAYNE’S WORLDS: The Villains Rule
“You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.” –…
Wayne’s Worlds: What’s The Deal With Director’s Cuts?
I know we’re in limbo with the comics industry right now, but I think this is…
Wayne’s Worlds: Ready for New Marvel Audiobooks?
Marvel is not a company to rest on their laurels! The House of Ideas is once…
“Justice League vs. The Fatal Five” Coming Soon
The fate of the planet rests on the shoulders of a reluctant Green Lantern and an…
Wayne’s Worlds: 2019 Is ‘The Year of Reading Dangerously’
I’m a big believer in variety in my reading. Yes, I buy a lot of superhero…
WAYNE’S WORLDS: ‘Walking Dead’ Turned Fifteen!
The Walking Dead recently celebrated 15 years of bites, betrayals and beheadings! So I thought I’d…
Wayne’s Worlds: Here We Go Yet Again!
Certain trends just tend to repeat themselves in the comics universes. I’ve recently noticed a few…
WAYNE’S WORLDS: Hawkman Has Taken Wing!
I often like to say that there are no bad characters, only bad treatments of them.…
Wayne’s Worlds: Missing Those Wonderful Maquettes!
It wasn’t that long ago that I often used to leave my local comics shop with…
WAYNE’S WORLDS: That Bendis Thing That Never Ends!
It almost seems like eons ago, but I thought I should weigh in on the news…
The Hey Kids Comics Radio Show – Episode 79
The Hey Kids Comics Radio Show – Episode 79 Justice League was not a big steaming…
Wayne’s Worlds: Biggest, Baddest Baddies
It’s long been said that what makes good movies are the bad guys. If that person…
Wayne’s Worlds: Me and My ‘Arrow’
Green Arrow (GA) is enjoying something of a renaissance these days! While his new comic has…
Wayne’s Worlds: My Suggestions for the Justice League
It won’t be long until the Justice League feature film arrives, something I’m anxiously awaiting. I…
Wayne’s Worlds: Images of Batman – 4
When we last spoke on this topic, Batman: The Animated Series (B:TAS) was about to debut…
Wayne’s Worlds: Images of Batman – 1
It’s always a bittersweet thing when something you love comes to an end. You know, that…
Wayne’s Worlds: Super Secret Crisis War TPB
I’m going to review a trade that came out a while back because I enjoy the…