First Comics News: Full disclosure Andrew Clark, I am a fan, I have followed your work for years and have read ADAM, and own a few copies of the comic including the newly released trade paperback. Andrew, may I ask for some background information? Where were you born? Where did you grow up?
Andrew Clark: I am from Halifax Nova Scotia. Born and raised.
1st: Andrew, are you a writer, artist, or both?
Andrew: I am a writer and an Artist, though my true passion is in the art.

1st: Who are some of your greatest influences in comics?
Andrew: The ones that really hooked me were the 90s stars. Jim Lee, Todd Mcfarlane, Erik Larsen, Marc Silvestri. Say what you will about their style, but their images were exciting. Calvin and Hobbes also made up a big part of childhood. Watterson is amazing. Today, older me, I’m excited by different people. Sandy Carruthers, Mike Rooth, Brenda, and Troy Little and I’m still a Savage Dragon lover.
1st: If you could hang out with any comic creator, who would it be?

Andrew: That’s a tough one. They say you should never meet your heroes. But that’s not true, because I get to hang out with a lot of the people I mentioned, like Sandy and Co. And they’re all amazing. So I think I have to say I would love to meet Erik Larsen.
1st: What has your experience been working as an Indie creator?
Andrew: It’s been great really. It’s one of those things where when you decide to do it you have to jump in with both feet. You can’t be shy about it and you have to be comfortable selling yourself. I have to give a shout-out to Hal Hilden because if it weren’t for him I don’t know if I would be here today. He brought me along to my first con and showed me what was up and that was really the fire that got things started.

Since then, my experiences have been great. The indie comic community on the east coast is A1.
Don’t get me wrong, there are lots of headaches and tears (not literally. I don’t cry), but for the most part, it’s been great fun.
1st: What advice can you give to anyone interested in getting into comics?
Andrew: Just do it. I know it’s lame, but if you overthink it and don’t just start, you won’t move forward. You need to start the ball rolling. Your early stuff will probably suck but if you don’t put the work in you’ll never get past that stage.
1st: Adam, what can you tell the readers about the comic?
Andrew: Adam is a passion project that was born out of an earlier webcomic that I was doing. He’s an ass that people shouldn’t like, but I hope they do on some level. My catchphrase for the book is that “In any other story he would be the villain”.

I’m currently working on issue 8. Issues 1-5 are available as a TPB and there are single issues of 6 and 7 available.
1st: Congratulations on Adam’s trade paperback. Full disclosure, I am a big fan. What can you tell your fans about the process?
Andrew: Well, it’s a big deal for me to have that available. It was a lot of work, but it helps to have friends who have experience that you can go and ask questions. I ended up enlisting Sandy Carruthers of Sandstone Comics to help with the formatting of the book as he had experience in that department. He took the ball and ran with it. I’m eternally grateful. The book wouldn’t look half as good without his input and help.
1st: Do you have a web page and links to projects you would like to tell us about.?
Andrew: Currently I’m on the socials. FB under the All the art things of Andrew Clark
Instagram and threads theartofandrewclark
A web page is in the early planning stages.
1st: CONGRATULATIONS Andrew Clark runner up for Sequential Magazine 2019 Best Indie Writer of the Year.!
1st: Where are your anthologies comics and books available?
Andrew: Currently people can reach out to me and I can get the books to them or they can visit Cape and Cowl (Sackville NS) or Strange Adventures (Halifax NS)
1st: What advice can you give to anyone interested in getting into comics?
Andrew: Do your best. Learn from your mistakes. Don’t tell people what you don’t like about your work. Just present it and let it do the talking for you. Be kind to the people who choose to support you and don’t listen to the negative thoughts in your head.
1st: It’s been my pleasure to interview you Andrew Clark you have had a big impact on me as a creator. Thanks for your time. Do you have any other projects coming up we haven’t discussed and you want the readers to know about?
Andrew: Thank you for the kind words. I do have two or three side projects on the go, but I can’t really discuss them at this time. Adam #8 should be available by the end of 2023. There may or may not be a Kickstarter to launch.
You can meet Andrew Clark and see all his amazing works including this amazing Archie Cover at Dartmouth Comics Art Festival on August 13/2023.