Steelkilt – a festival and award for comic book writers and creators



Ontario, Canada – The Steelkilt Media Festival, an international, competitive event for comic book writers and creators, will open submissions on April 15. Steelkilt is a launchpad for unknown and
unpublished comic book writers to gain exposure and reach their professional goals in the media industry.

Steelkilt brings diverse artists and audiences together to celebrate sequential art and all things comic-related. We are a platform for unfiltered expression and unadulterated vision. We celebrate both emerging talent and established voices. Our mission: discover hidden gems, promote fresh work, and create a space for individuality and freedom of expression in the world of comics and graphic novels. The yearly festival is a lovingly curated explosion of personalities, crafted
to provide an intimate journey of learning and discovery for all involved through interactive workshops, interviews, and discussions.

The Steelkilt Festival is open to comic book writers and creators from all over the world. Participants are selected through a competitive process with awards in 10 categories. Submissions may only be made anonymously through FilmFreeway. The festival will take place online in November. The complete Festival schedule will be announced in October.

Scholarships for financially disadvantaged creators and special circumstances are available through our website.



Official Website:
Best one page comic script
Best single-issue script
Best graphic novel script
Best comic book trailer
Best motion comic
Best one-page comic
Best short comic
Best comic book pitch
Best action figure
Best statue
Best minority voice
Best indigenous voice
Best female talent
Best LGBTQ+ work
Best black-and-white comics
Best environmentally-themed work
Best disability-themed work
Best solo creator


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