Space-faring darlings SUZIE STEAM and Lady Ska’a Ti’Ar, aka SILVER SKATI, team up to save their shared multiverse.

In the multiverse, there is one universal PRIME BEING/ENTITY whose actions, abilities, life, and death affect the “SUB-PRIME” BEINGS/ENTITIES in the other universes. SUZIE STEAM of Ipsis-38654 is the PRIME of all Suzie’s across the multiverse.
Entities from other universes react rather volatile when coming to exist in another’s universe.
The Synth-Men from Universe-49504 have stormed 38654, directed by an emotionally-unhinged entity, to destroy Suzie “Prime” with ruinous results of Suzie Steam’s (Sub-primes) throughout the multiverse.
Cosmic Law Officer Lady Ska’a Ti’Ar, aka SILVER SKATI, investigating the multiversal incursion, finds herself in the middle of the plot to destroy Suzie and must stop a potential Prime/Sub-prime multiversal catastrophe.
The ALL TOGETHER NOW GROUP brings to you this first self-contained 24-page story featuring these two strong, sensational gals TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TIME.
A physical and digital combo starts at $10