Secret Agent X, Volume 6 from Airhsip 27

Authors Fred Adams and Kaushik Karforma describe their contributions t the sixth volume of new Secret Agent X stories from Airship 27.

Fred Adams’ story “Island in the Sky” has been several years in the making.  What if a plague epidemic was sweeping the world in the late 1930s and the very wealthiest people n the world were offered safe haven in a an enormous luxury airship?  Secret Agent X goes under cover to get the real story on what is happening.

Kaushik Karforma’s “Escape from Zakopane” uses an actual historical event (the meeting of the Gestapo and the NKVD after te defeat of Poland) for another Secret Agent X escapade with a running battle on a monorail that actually existed in Poland at that time!

Frank Schildiner also has a story “Dead Do Dance” but he was unable to make the interview.

Lots of action and daring-do in this collection!


Secret Agent X, Volume 6 (Airship 27):


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