SDCC: How to Use Hypnotic Language for Dynamic Storytelling panel

How to Use Hypnotic Language for Dynamic Storytelling
Being able to tell engaging stories is an artform. But what if there were specific techniques to capture an audience’s attention? Learn how to hypnotize your audience as certified hypnotherapist Grant Offenberger (Grant Me Peace: Hypnotherapy) moderates this panel of diverse storytellers who will share their techniques toward engaging an audience’s attention. Panelists include Hugh Howey (Silo, Wool), Sinn Bodhi (WWE superstar, Freakshow Wrestling), Tim Chizmar (SpookyNinjaKitty Media, Hell’s Coming for You), and Techno Destructo (GWAR).
Friday July 21, 2023 6:00pm – 7:00pm PDT
Room 11

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