Roy Johnson talks about Standard Comics’ Sentinels

Our friend Roy Johnson is returning to Kickstarter with the latest edition of Standard Comics’ Sentinels. Roy was nice enough to stop by First Comics News to let our readers know all about this upcoming Kickstarter.

First Comics News: What can you tell us about this Kickstarter?

Roy Johnson: This is for The Sentinels #276, which is the 4th of 6 issues of Arc II of the series.

1st: What sets Standard Comics apart from other comic book publishers?

Roy: Our focus is on Bronze-Age style tales, using public domain superheroes alongside my own originals. From the Back Issue Bin of a Parallel Universe is how I describe it.

1st: For new readers can you give us an overview of the main characters in the Sentinels?

Roy: Readers can find out all about them at

1st: Can you tell us about Gravitrex?

Roy: She’s only appeared so far in The Standard Comics Encyclopedia #3, so this is her first in-comic appearance – Collector’s Item!! Her history is tied to that of Infra-Red, and you can find out more in this issue.

1st: What do fans need to know about the Sentinels going into this story?

Roy: They are this Universe’s JLA or Avengers.

1st: What is the minimum pledge for a digital copy of Sentinels?

Roy: Something like $5 USD

1st: What is the minimum pledge for a print copy of Sentinels?

Roy: Something like $10 USD

1st: What are some of the rewards backers can expect from this Kickstarter campaign?

Roy: Digital and hard copies of the entire series to date.

1st: Can you share any behind-the-scenes details about the creation of the artwork and writing for Sentinels?

Roy: Well, this issue features the debut of Gravitrex and [REDACTED] so I’m keeping them kind of a secret. You can see preview images here:

1st: What’s been the most rewarding part of working on the Standard Comics project so far?

Roy: Well, it’s not the money, that’s for sure! It’s what every creator says – seeing that comic that you made in your hand and in the world.

1st: How do you balance staying true to classic Standard Comics heroes while producing comics for a modern audience ?

Roy: Well, to be honest, most of the old golden age heroes were pretty much the same, personality wise – a right cross and a pithy remark. I’m more interested in the ‘continuity’ that I’ve tried to create through this series and references to comics that don’t’ exist (yet).

1st: How do you decide which artist to collaborate with on Standard Comics projects?

Roy: My go-to artists for speed, reliability, skill, and just plain “getting” it are series regular Fish Lee and this issue’s artist, Luis Rivera.

1st: How can fans get involved in supporting and promoting Standard Comics beyond the Kickstarter?

Roy: The best thing is to share the projects on social media, forums, etc.

1st: What is the URL for the Kickstarter?


1st: What makes Sentinels so cool no true comic fan should miss this issue?

Roy: Uh – it has a dog in it!! A dog! Just not in this issue.

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