Backers from around the globe have propelled Crusade Comics’ Rocketeer: Pavlichenko Special Art Edition! Kickstarter past initial funding goal in minutes and over five figures in its first 30 hours.

“The amazing response from Rocketeer fans literally caught us off guard.” Stated Pavlichenkowriter/artist Billy Tucci. “Deborah (Crusade’s Executive Director), and I are now planning the first of our many planned free Stretch Goal rewards to our backers, and we cannot wait to share those rewards this week!”

The 21-day campaign kicked off, Rocketeer: Pavlichenko Special Art Edition! featuring Tucci’s the original story that appeared the Eisner Award winning in Comic For Ukraine: Sunflower Seeds, plus pages of never-before published concept artwork, including rough layouts, pencils, inks, and script.

In Rocketeer: Pavlichenko, our hero, Cliff Secord, encounters the real-life, Ukrainian sniper Lyudmila Pavlichenko in the Crimean Mountains during World War II. Lyudmila was credited with over 300 kills during World War II, making her the most successful female sniper in recorded history and as you’ll find out, she is going to have to put all those skills to the test to save our hero.

The 32-page full-color art special also explores just who this extraordinary young Ukrainian woman was and pays tribute the Rocketeer’s legendary creator, Dave Stevens.

Rocketeer: Pavlichenko Special Art Edition
Rocketeer: Pavlichenko Special Art Edition is also currently LIVE on Indiegogo and can be found here:
Kickstarter Link Here:

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