Title: Zombie Tramp # 39
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Created & Written by: Dan Mendoza
Drawn by: Celor
Colors by: Valentina Pucci
Letters by: Justin Birch
Cover: Dan Mendoza
Variant Covers: Dan Mendoza, Daniel Campos, Hector E Sevilla
Price: $ 4.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.actionlabcomics.com
Comments: Zombie Tramp and Xula stop fighting long enough to attack some police officers. After we get lots of police blood and guts the two deadly females go at it again.
Zombie Tramp really hates Xula. Now trapping Xula in her realm of darkness where Zombie Tramp rules all.
These two females are most vile and evil beyond compare.
This issue does not tell you what is going on. If you have not been reading the series you will have no idea why they are fighting.
The art does show two overly endowed babes with magical powers trying to tear each other apart. There is some T&A so it’s a mature title. The illustrations show Xula and Zombie Tramp as sexy hot and oh so deadly women.