Title: Zombie Tramp: Origins # 1
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Created/Written/Drawn by: Dan Mendoza
Colors: Valentina Pucci
Letters by: Justin Birch
Cover: Mendoza
Variant Covers: Mendoza, Celor, Maccagni, McKay
Price: $ 4.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.actionlabcomics.com
Comments: Janey Belle is the top whore to the celebrities. She is illustrated beautifully but to much black around her to fully show off all her assets.
Janey has a pimp George who makes a deal with the law to stay out of jail.
Janey is drawn in her bra and panties and fishnet stockings and you will not believe how sexy she looks.
Janey while helping George fulfill his deal finds herself in way over her head.
An escaped convict is more than just that as she brings the dead to unlife. This Queen of the zombies is after one Sheriff. This woman is drawn in a sexy style that will leave you wanting to see more of her.
This issue is done ok but for a remastered edition of the original Zombie Tramp, it falls short.
Janey Belle is a cute character and it will be nice to see her progress and her character built upon.