Title: Zombie Tramp: Easter Special # 1
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Created by: Dan Mendoza
Written by: Shawn Gabborin
Co-Written by: Dan Mendoza & Jason Martin
Artwork by: Celor
Colors by: Marcelo Costa
Letters by: Adam Wollet
Cover: Mendoza
Variant Covers by: Mendoza, Celot, Trom
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.actionlabcomics.com
Comments: Janey Belle goes to an Easter party. Her changing clothes is drawn beautifully. Her Easter costume though well that leaves something to be desired.
She meets Ambrose at the festival. Things are not what they seem at this festival. It is major league weird. So the Easter Festival turns out to be a murder sacrifice sexual festival.
Janey gets to face off against a guy in a rabbit suit. She has fun here. When will people learn you do not mess with Zombie Tramp.
Hey yes, Zombie Tramp does find an Easter Egg and you will not guess where she finds it.
Zombie Tramp no matter where she goes encounters the supernatural and she destroys it. It is always fun to sit back and watch this belle of the ball have a ball.