Title: Zombie Tramp # 41
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Created & Written by: Dan Mendoza
Drawn by: Celor
Colors by: Valentina Pucci
Letters by: Adam Wollet
Cover: Dan Mendoza
Variant Covers: Magenta King, Zoe Stanley
Price: $ 4.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.actionlabcomics.com
Comments: Janey Belle gets a lift from this nice old man who talks about his cats. His cats are female hitchhikers. He collects pussies. Janey is his newest acquisition.
Henry and his “mother” are weird sick SOB’s. Having Janey play with them is a blessing. By play I mean lets their victims tear them apart. These two really deserve it.
Has Janey lost her ability to feel when she is on her sick twisted killing spree? Is she no longer enjoying herself it seems so. She needs to get her perverse nature back.
The art is not used at all to show off Janey’s sexual side. The cover and variant covers do that but it would be nice to see inside the comic book. Zombie Tramp herself does kill but it is not shown at all. She kills lots of people but no one is shown.
Janey Belle aka Zombie Tramp is one great character just she needs to be used better like she has been in the past.