Title: Zombie Tramp # 36
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Created & Written by: Dan Mendoza
Artwork by: Marco Maccagni
Colors by: Chris Northrop & Arnaldo Robles
Lettered by: Adam Wollet
Cover: Celor
Variant Covers: Celor, Mendoza, Herman
Price: $ 4.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.actionlabcomics.com
Comments: This is a mature title with full nudity. Zombie Tramp is shown off in all her full beauty.
Morning narrates her first meeting with the Kaiju Queen. First, though she met an evil version of Mary Poppins. Can you imagine well open up this comic and you will see evil, Mary? She is scary.
Morning and Zombie Queen what a powerful pair these two make. Is Morning on the up and up with Zombie Tramp or is she playing her?
Loompas there are Loompas here. Well, this is certainly no chocolate factory.
Zombie Tramp is sick as we see her torturing a man. Yes, he deserves to be tortured but Zombie Tramp is just plain sadistic. She does though still have a heart and feelings. You will feel sorry for this monster.
Janey Belle the Zombie Tramp is cool, evil and sadistic and you will love her.