RICH REVIEWS: Zombie Tramp # 35

Title: Zombie Tramp # 35
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Created & Written by: Dan Mendoza
Artwork by: Celor
Colors by: Valentina Pucci, Marcelo Costa & Arnaldo Robles
Lettered by: Adam Wollet
Cover: Dan Mendoza
Variant Covers: Mendoza, McKay, Rodrix
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Comments: Morning had a hard and troubling upbringing. She was an orphan. She was a good little girl who was pushed too far and who lost too much. You will feel sorry for Morning as you learn her story.
This story is confusing. Morning and Janey Belle aka Zombie Tramp in this story it is like they have never met but they have.
Zombie Tramp is shown topless so this is a mature title.
Zombie Tramp does look good and sexy floating around in the darkness. Too bad, she did nothing else this issue.
Morning is illustrated as the cutest little girl ever. It is hard to imagine her as the cold-blooded killer that she is. This issue she is the focus of the entire issue. Morning is one sick girl.

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